A better Aston and a better Australia

Vote 1 - Andrew Williams

Independent candidate for the federal seat of Aston

A better Aston and a better Australia

Meet Andrew Williams

My wife and I built our first house and lived in Aston for most of our adult life. With years of experience working at the grassroots level, including countless hours volunteering at various community roles, I understand the unique challenges and opportunities facing Aston.

My decision to run as an independent candidate stems from a desire to prioritise the voices of Aston’s residents over party politics. My commitment is to serve the people, ensuring your concerns and aspirations are at the forefront of my agenda.

I pledge to make Aston the priority of my representation.  I understand that If I am elected to represent the people of Aston, I am not elected to put Aston second over the desire of a political party.

I understand the issues that matter most.  Cost of living, housing affordability, the opportunities for our young voters to get ahead, environment and youth crime are all issues that impact us every day.

I believe that for far too long, Aston keeps getting put second by the major parties – and their elected representatives.

Andrew states “I, like so many others, am sick of our needs being put second over the desires and policies of the major parties.  People who are elected by us need to realise that putting us second and the party first is wrong.  Let’s put the parties second and see how they like it.”

Andrew Williams - Independent for Aston

A Vision for Aston

I envision an Aston where every resident feels heard and valued. My key initiatives include enhancing local infrastructure, supporting all businesses, and fostering a sustainable environment. By focusing on practical solutions and community-driven policies, I aim to create a thriving Aston.

Building a Better Australia

I understands that the policies and challenges faced by the residents of Aston is rightly influenced by Government policy.  I will advocate for a fairer, more inclusive Australia. I believe in transparent governance, equitable opportunities for all, and a commitment to environmental stewardship. Through collaboration and innovation, I seek to contribute to a nation where everyone can reach their potential.

Most of all, I believe that our local representatives are elected to represent us as a priority, not the party that they represent in parliament.

Dedicated Representation

My Commitment to Aston

My commitment to you, the voters of Aston is..

To prioritize the needs and voices of Aston’s residents above any political party agendas.

My candidacy is driven by a desire to ensure that every decision made is in the best interest of our community, fostering a prosperous and inclusive future for all.

A true independent

I am a true independent.

I will not be preferencing any party at the upcoming election.

How does this work?

Simply VOTE 1 – Andrew Williams and then Vote 2 for the party or other candidate that you would like to vote for.  This way, if I don’t end up in the final top two candidates, then your vote goes to the party that you would prefer, not a party that I have done a backdoor deal with.

I am not seeking to change the will of the voters of Aston, but giving you a clear choice on the type of representative that you would like.

A representative that is elected by the voters of Aston to represent the people of Aston, or a representative, voted by the people of Aston to represent the political party that they are a member of?

The choice is yours.

My Upcoming Events

Meet the candidate events

I will be popping out to various cafes, coffee shops and bakeries to allow you to meet and greet – ask me questions or sign up as a volunteer.  These sessions will be listed on my Facebook page.

Want to chat one on one

Email me via andrew@andrew4aston.com or happy for you to call 0439 906 680.

Want to help out?

Be part of the change Aston deserves. Support my campaign for a better future. Sign up now to receive updates and learn how you can help make a difference.

Email me at andrew@andrew4aston.com